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Forum Posts

Jennifer Cannon-Parker
Apr 01, 2023
In How Do I Begin?
If you are looking for guidance on how to begin, the first thing you want to do is read the Phaze 1 guide. Phaze 1 concentrates strictly on learning about sugar. Sugar is one of the first, and frankly most critical substance that drives mold illness and feeds many of the yeasts that grown out of control after an exposure to mold. Phaze 1 discusses the reasons why we need to avoid it and remove it as well as all the secret places it is hidden in our modern food supply. Its important to learn the underground world of sugar in all its forms. Its even more important to learn the natural versions as well as the effects on the body and its relationship to someone exposed to mold. Along with the Phaze 1 guide is also a Phaze 1 recipe page with recipes that use the concepts in Phaze 1. They are simple, easy to follow recipes with short instructions and no (long-winded) descriptions to make it easier to follow for people struggling with brain overwhelm and learning struggles. Please reach out either here in the forums or use the contact form on the website to ask any questions you may have about Phaze 1 OR the website.

Jennifer Cannon-Parker

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