Super easy, quick and delicious. Bananas, Lemon, Ice and Almond Milk.

Blender or Nutribullet
Glass or stone cutting board
Prefrozen (filtered water) ice cubes
Glass or mason jar for smoothie

2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 cup ice cubes (made with filtered water approximately 8 cubes)
1 organic lemon
1 organic banana
1/8 teaspoon ground turmeric
Using the knife and cutting board slice the lemon into quarters. Very carefully slice the rind away from the pulp and juice of the lemon and place the lemon into your blender or nutribullet.
Peel the banana and place it into your blender or nutribullet.
Drop in your 8 ice cubes
Measure and pour in the 2 cups of almond milk
Measure and drop in the 1/8 teaspoon of ground turmeric
Finally, combine all ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with a lemon wedge. Serve immediately.
Avoid using plastic straws to avoid toxins. I use glass or stainless steel straws.
