
A Healthy Table
Being in the middle of a mold detox diet can be frustrating when patriotic events or summer bbq's approach. One of my worst feelings during summertime was that I couldn't eat anything people would bring because it was covered in gluten, dairy, sugar, red, white and blue food dyes and highly-moldy foods like grains, corn, ciders, wines, cheese and more.
I decided to re-invent some of the foods I once cherished and turn them into something that my family and I could eat without getting extremely ill the next day or week after.
Keep in mind...All Seasonal or Holiday recipes on this website are NOT 90 day-strict (Phaze4). They are meant to offer you a break and some flexibility for just "ONE DAY" of the year and enjoy food without obsessing over strict rules and restrictions. However, they DO NOT contain Gluten, Processed Sugars, Foods HIGH in mold like corn or soy or wheat, and they are all Dairy-Free. Don't beat yourself up during national holiday and summer season and stop to enjoy the celebrations of life and the season without eating a bunch of junk.